Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I didn′t sleep at all last night
I didn′t feel all right…..
I′m sure it′s something that′s not wrong
Something I can fight,
I′ll scale my mountain
to the top
And make this singin′
never stop
No fear or doubt
There′s one way out

You′ve got to believe,
You better do it,
′Cause you′ll be fine,

A golden box,
I′ve found and hide,
My little heart′s inside,
be careful handle it with care
Don′t be afraid to dare
I′ll scale my moutain to the top
And make this singin′ never stop
No fear , no doubt
There′s one way out

You′ve got to believe
You better do it
Cause you′ll be fine

A white clean paper on my hands,
to write my destiny
I′ve made my way
through circumstances
and let my voice fly free
and let my voice fly free
…you know ,
you ′ve got to believe…

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