Hey my soul sister dont you look so sad
Its time to stop thinking about what you aint got and see the things you have
Now dont you go and throw it all throw it all away
Tomorrow doesnt have to be just another yesterday
Ride the storm, life goes on, Life goes on, ride the storm
Cos I cant watch you drown away, drown in your own tears
Everybody gets hurt sometimes, and everybody has fears
You say you want to end it all, but dont you get that rad baby
Cause if you want the good things, you got to taste the bad sometimes
Thats how it is
Ride the storm, life goes on, Life goes on, ride the storm
Cos I know that life can get hazy, but dont let this world drive you crazy, hear me baby
So dont let your world turn a permanent shade of blue
Youve got to learn to kick the habit baby, before it starts to kick you yes it will
Dont you know youre bold enough and strong enough to fight
Someway somehow you know its going to be all right
Thats how it is
Ride the storm, life goes on, Life goes on, ride the storm
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