Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Without a doubt

it?s just about your actions

It?s all about

living life with passion

We?ve got to shout

With spirit and devotion

To ease away the pain

I?m down and out

thinking of the future

so many things

I don?t understand why

Just carry on

And give it all you got now

And hope that joy will come


People moving

Everybody?s grooving

People jumping

Got to keep on grooving

People moving

Everybody?s grooving

People don?t stop

Everybody?s grooving with me


I can see destruction

But the world

really needs protection

What we must do

Is to find an answer

I still got faith in you


People moving

Everybody?s grooving

People jumping

Got to keep on grooving

People moving

Everybody?s grooving

People don?t stop

Everybody?s grooving with me

And I know that we can make it

And I know that we can?t fake it

Gotta be real

Gotta do it

Gotta be real

Everywhere I see destruction

But the world just needs protection

It needs protection

by tom hopkins

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