Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Your look is so frustating
Girls would name you take
You find out what I'm feeling
Getting a play treat

Addicted to my body
You dream the fear that end
After all why don't you understand?

Shut up, get out here
Don't cry, silent tears
I never thought of me and you, my dear

Shut up, get out here
You've got to lose your fear
I know your mum will take you up my dear

Shut up, get out here
Why don't you disappear?
I never thought of me and you, my dear

We must go angers
And you, the fool for love
You look like Jorge the second
You warned get enough

Addicted to my body
You dream the fear that end
After all why don't you understand?

Shut up, get out here
Don't cry, silent tears
I never thought of me and you, my dear

Shut up, get out here
You've got to lose your fear
I know your mum will take you up my dear

Shut up, get out here
Why don't you disappear?
I never thought of me and you, my dear

by Filipe Guerra.

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