Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I'm in a spin
I'm giving in
I'm living in a daydream
when I saw you, your smile shone through and
touched me like a sunbeam

I'm inside out
I'm crazy about the way you make my heart feel
I'm head over heels
I'm falling more each day

how did you know
I've been waiting to touch you and tell you how
I feel
I'm walking on clouds
I'm spellbound about you, I can't believe your

how did you know
I've been thinking about you and dreaming of
your kiss
how did you know
how did you know

I'm in a spin
I'm giving in
I'm living in a daydream
when I saw you, your smile shone through and
touched me like a sunbeam

I'm inside out
I'm crazy about the way you make my heart feel
I'm head over heels
I'm falling more each day

how did you know
I've been waiting to touch you and tell you how
I feel
I'm walking on clouds
I'm spellbound about you, I can't believe your

how did you know
I've been thinking about you and dreaming of
your kiss
how did you know
how did you know

by Paulinha Pivet´s

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