Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


We're walking like in a Dolce Vita, this time
we' ve got it right
We' re living like in a Dolce Vita, uhmm gonna
dream tonight
We' re dancing like in a Dolce Vita, with lights
and music on
Our love is made in the Dolce Vita, nobody else
than you

It' s our last night together with our love again
Another light before we' ll drawn in darkness
Say you' ll never leave me now, say you gonna
love me now

We made it down in the Dolce Vita, wipe all your
fears away
We lived it like in the Dolce Vita, a game of
I' m so alone in the Dolce Vita, oh baby
This magic' s gone in the Dolce Vita, nobody
else than you

It' s our last night together with our love again
Another light before we' ll drawn in darkness
Say you' ll never leave me now
Say you gonna love me
It' s our last night together with our love again
Another light before we' ll drawn in darkness
Say you' ll never leave me now, say you gonna
love me now

by Dj Douglas Monteiro

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