Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Let The Sunshine In - LYRIC (Milk & Sugar)

It's so lovely when it's sunny

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
The sunshine in, the sunshine in

I've been waiting for a sunny day
The time when I can mix some hay
The day is good, I see the weather is fine
The grass is high, or so much high
The weather to get together,
I don't know whether I should feel
your touch
The weather to get together,
I don't know whether the grass is high
enough uh

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
(you got love)
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
The sunshine in, the sunshine in

Oh so lovely on a sunyday
Look outside to an infants play
The grass is greener over the fence
There's nothing like experience

The weather to get together,
I don't know whether I should move so fast
The weather to get together,
I don't know whether you're a snake in
the grass, uh

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
(you got love)
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
The sunshine in, the sunshine in
(you got love)

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
(you got love)

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in
The sunshine in, the sunshine in
(you got love)

(Repeat last chorus 3x)

by Gabi

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