Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


verse 1)
I'm wiser now Im not the foolish girl you used
to know so long ago im
stronger now ive learned from my mistakes which
way to go and i should know i
put myself aside to do it your way but now i
need to do it all alone

And im not afraid to try it on my own i dont
care if im right or wrong ill
live my life the way i feel no matter what ill
keep it real you know time for
me to do it on my own

(Verse 2)
Its over now i cant go back to living through
your eyes to many lies
and if you dont know by now i cant go back to
being someone else not anymore i
never had the chance to do things my way so now
its time for me to take control


(Verse 3)Oh, i start again go back to one i'm
running things in my way cant stop
me now ive just begun dont even think about it
there aint no way about it im
taking names go down the line yes im gonna take
my turn its time for me t o
finally stand alone stand alone

ad libs

by Juju

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