But I Feel Good
But I Feel High
[ x 6 ]
Deeper down than this y'all
Deeper down
[ x 4 ]
Yeah i was just following a Friday
trying to get home find a phone
geezer lighter the futures brighter
trying to hit a saturday nighter
Yeah i was just following a Friday
I found a driver here's a fiver
I'll have to lend you excuse me is this the
Yeah i was just following a Friday
I was just going with the..uh
But I Feel Good
But I Feel High
[ x 4 ]
Deeper down than this y'all
Deeper down
[ x 4 ]
Yeah i was just following a Friday
trying to get home find a phone
geezer lighter the futures brighter
trying to hit a saturday nighter
Yeah i was just following a Friday
I found a driver here's a fiver
I'll have to lend you excuse me is this the
Yeah i was just following a Friday
I was just going with the..uh
But I Feel Good
But I Feel High
[ x 4 ]
excuse me is this the venue
But I Feel Good
But I Feel High
[ x 4 ]
by Juju
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