Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


The phone rings and my heart freaks out
Spinning till I touch the ground
Counting the days till you'll be mine

You're perfect, like a fantasy
The words sound like a melody
In a song that is written just for me

Head over heels, I'm falling in love
Give me a shot, cause I can't get enough oh no
Cause this wonderful feeling that you provide
I know that it's wrong but it feels so right
Head over heels, I'm falling in love

I see you when I close my eyes
In my dreams, I romanticise
Every waking moment by your side

I feel you though you're not around
Forever you are on my mind
When will my feet touch your solid ground

Head over heels, I'm falling in love
Give me a shot, cause I can't get enough oh no
Cause this wonderful feeling that you provide
I know that it's wrong but it feels so right
Head over heels, I'm falling in love

I'm falling into you, I'm falling into you
I'm falling into you

Head over heels, I'm falling in love
Give me a shot, cause I can't get enough oh no
Cause this wonderful feeling that you provide
I know that it's wrong but it feels so right
Head over heels, I'm falling in love

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