Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


think it´s time to put an end to it
to try clean my head again
try to resuscitate my engine
try to walk back where i ran

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

i break up all the things behind me
going on the other way
try to find myself again slowly
to move on the other day
all the nights i kept my eyes open
all the days i tried to sleep
wash away the troubles around me
did not see i fell too deep

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

something new has moved into my life
an essential missing part
takes control of my past addiction
and reanimates my heart

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

keep control..

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