Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I can?t fight the fighter, I keep losing ground
and I can?t hide the hider with you hanging
I can?t ? and I won?t

You better run for your life, love, I?m walking
I?m walking (x2)

I can?t love a hater, it?s a losing game
Never love a quitter, you?ll get left in the rain

I can?t help the helper when my feet are bound
I can?t feel you near me if you?re not the only

You are, you?re not
You better run for your life, love, I?m walking
I?m walking
You better count up your reasons, I?m leaving
I?m leaving (x2)
You better count up your reasons

I?m leaving I?m leaving

How do you like the way it feels when I leave
you? (x2)
Leave you

You are, you?re not
You better run for your life, love, I?m walking
I?m walking
You better count up your reasons, I?m leaving
I?m leaving (x2)
You better count up your reasons

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