Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


What?s worth nothing else but love
Take a walk down any street now
Every one of us in our own little world
Looking for a heart with whom to beat now

What?s worth nothing else but love
I?m prepared to take the heat now
What?s worth more than anything else at all
To keep you firmly on your feet now

So fake cool image should be over
?Cause I long for a feeling of home
Real life, depicted in song
A loving memory
After long, home is a place where I yearn to

Where the land meets the sea
She?ll be smiling so sweetly now
I hope that she?ll be here much longer than I
My heart loves her with every beat now

So fake cool image should be over
?Cause I long for a feeling of home
Real life, depicted in song
A loving memory
After long, home is a place where I yearn to

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