Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


What I mean, what I am
What I feel about the meaning of my life
What I need, what I feel
What I like to say and what I lie about

What I can't get choose to it
I get out of my mind
The world's just up my feelings
And I just can't even cry

I should rare my way back home right now
Cause I gave her everything I got
I can't stand the way she broke my heart
Because I gave her

All my dreams, all my hopes
Are the things I love and that I use to know
God I pray every day
But I feel so empty since you went away

What I can't get choose to it
I get out of my mind
The world's just up my feelings
And I just can't even cry


What I can't get choose to it
I get out of my mind
The world's just up my feelings
And I just can't even cry

This moon will last forever
Or maybe till I die
So why keep holding on
Until I get another time


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