Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I won?t pretend tonight
That what I did was right
I know I broke your heart
I tore it all apart
Do you believe in destiny
And second chances

Stay tonight
Let the moment be forever
I don?t want to force your heart to
Stay tonight
If we make it last together
Everything is gonna be alright

I know the table?s turned
I felt my fingers burn
And if you let me go
I?m just a fragile soul
Do you believe in destiny
And second chances

Stay tonight
Let the moment be forever
I don?t want to force your heart to
Stay tonight
If we make it last together
Everything is gonna be alright

Stay tonight
Let the moment be forever
I don?t want to force your heart to
Stay tonight
If we make it last together
Everything is gonna be alright

Stay tonight

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