Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I've been caged by you for
Such a long, long time
You had your own particular
way to fill my mind
With low esteem regarding myself
So I kept me hidden within my shell
And it took so long for me to see
How demolishing you were to me

Look at me now I'm stronger than before
Cause I found the strength within myself
To close the door
And I closed the door for you
to ever come inside again
I've tried so hard to give me
shelter from your kind of men

I've been blind and foolish
But I was just a girl
You seduced me with your lies
And promissed me the world
Now I've had it with you
And your twisted games
And no longer will you
Make me feel so ashamed
I have found the power to open the cage
I left you behind me, I turned the page


I've been caged by you for
Such a long, long time
You had your own particular
way to fill my mind
With low esteem regarding myself
So I kept me hidden within my shell
And it took so long for me to see
How demolishing you were to me

Look at me now
Look at me now

Some time ago I walked away
You tought I'd never be the same
I recovered on my own
Without you now I'll cary on


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