Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


At times life is wicked and I just can?t
see the light
A silver lining sometimes isn?t enough
To make some wrongs seem right
Whatever life brings
I?ve been through everything
And now I?m on my knees hoping

But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many
feel this way

Children don?t stop dancing
Believe you can fly

At times life?s unfair and you know
it?s plain to see
Hey God I know I?m just a dot in
this world
Have you forgot about me?
Whatever life brings
I?ve been through everything
And now I?m on my knees hoping

But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many
feel this way

Children don't stop dancing
Believe you can fly

Am I hiding in the shadows?
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

Am I hiding in the shadows
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

But I know I must go on (go on)
Although I hurt I must be strong (be strong)
Because inside I know that many
feel this way (feel this way)

Children don?t stop dancing
Believe you can fly

Children don't stop dancing
Belive you can fly

Children don't stop dancing (am I hiding in the
Belive you can fly (forget the pain and forget
the sorrows

Children don't stop dancing(am I hiding in the
Belive you can fly

Am I hiding in the shadows?
Are we hiding in the shadows?

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