Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Look at me, here in the dark alone,
It seems so close, but still so far away from my
Now I'm walking on the stars,
Searching for a better way,
Praying I can reach that far,
So maybe you can hear me say.

Look at me, here in the dark alone,
It seems so close, but still so far away from my
Now I'm walking on the stars,
Searching for a better way,
Praying I can reach that far,
So maybe you can hear me say.

Now here I stand and wonder why,
I have lost faith in you and I.

Look at me, here in the dark alone,
It seems so close, but still so far away from my

I walked in dreams,
For million years,
Over my own,
Within my tears.

Now here I stand and wonder why,
I have lost faith in you and I

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