Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Sometimes your life is not easy
it seems you are in a tunnel
sometimes I feel like a stranger
among ten millions of people

But I do know how to change it
I've got the key for my future
I feel no more like I am here
It's like a dream!

If I could tell you what is right
and tell you please not to waste time
if I could bring you to my place
and bring you to see things my way

But nothing is gonna bend me
Tonight I challenge my future
I feel no more like I am here
It's like a dream!

Take your time to be you
don't you need a chance to feel good
and live your life everyday
you will show a smile on your face

When you are sleeping time goes by
this silence turns to a symphony
your mind is changing you don't know why
it seems we are flying high tonight

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