Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Well, I've tried and tried to hold this thing
But you wanted more than I could give.
I know that's not the way to live
There was a time I thought that we would last
But you pushed hard, I feel the scars
Now I don't know who you really are

What we has was so good
What can I do to get you back

When I lost you I lost everything
But I still want you
When I lost you I lost everything
Now I'm falling apart cos you're still in my
When I lost you I lost everything
But I still love you
When I lost you I lost everything
Now I'm wasting my time cos your still on my mind

What we had was so good
What can I do to get you back
I've done all that I could
Now I've got to face the facts

Repeat chorus
When I lost you I lost everything
But I still want you
When I lost you I lost everything
Now I'm falling apart cos you're still in my
When I lost you I lost everything
But I still love you
When I lost you I lost everything
Now I'm wasting my time cos your still on my mind

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