Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Father's hands were lined with dirt
From long days in the field
And mother's hands are serving meals
In a cafe on Main Street
With mouths to feed
Just trying to keep clothing on our backs
And all I hear about is
How it's so bad, it's so bad

It's too bad, It's stupid
Too late, so wrong, so long
It's too bad that we had no time to rewind
Let's walk, let's talk
Let's talk

You left without saying goodbye
Although I'm sure you tried
You call the house from time to time
To make sure we're alive
But you weren't there
Right when I needed you the most
And now I dream about it
How it's so bad, it's so bad

It's too bad, It's stupid
Too late, so wrong, so long
It's too bad that we had no time to rewind
Let's walk, let's talk
Let's talk

Father's hands are lined with guilt
For tearing us apart
Guess it turned out in the end
Just look at where we are
Made it out, still got clothing on our backs
And now I scream about it
How it's so bad, it's so bad

It's too bad, it's too bad
Too late, so wrong, so long
It's too bad that we had no time to rewind
Let's walk, let's talk
Let's talk

No time, last one, let's go

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