[Verse 1]
You and me, we have an opportunity
And we could make it something really cool
But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl
I'm here to tell you baby, I know how to rock
your world
Don't think that I'm not strong
I'm the one to take you on
Don't underestimate me boy
I'll make you sorry you were born
You don't know me
The way you really should
You sure misunderstood
Dont' call me baby
You got some nerve, and baby that'll never do
You know I don't belong t o you
It's time you knew I'm not your baby
I belong to me, so
Don't call me baby
[Verse 2]
Behind my smile is my IQ
I must admit, this does not sit, with the likes
of you
You're really sweet
Mmm, you're really nice
But didn't mama ever tell you not to play with
[Verse 1 again]
[Double chorus]
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