Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Tell me why we didn′t try
Tell me why you had to go
Can′t you see it makes me cry
There are so many things I have to know
Cause I still care about you
And time is long overdue

Now I pray on my knees and I look at the stars
That you would be here laying down in my arms
I pray on my knees for you X2

I know that I can′t turn back time
Just to undo all my mistakes
I′m not gonna cry for the rest of my days
I will do whatever it takes

Cause I still care about you
And time is long overdue

I pray on my knees
I pray on my knees
For you

Now I pray on my knees and I look at the stars
That you would be here laying down in my arms
I pray on my knees for you X2

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