Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night

I want to get into motion
A better divotion
So I can make it through the night
So the music is playing
You know what I′m saying
Now everything will be alright


Rhythum is a creation
A better sensation
That will lead you through the night
When your body is moving
The music is groving
I want to take you home tonight


Keep dancing hard
Give this groove more feeling
Dance trance dance
More Feeling
In out up down all around
On the dance for getting down
Take the time yes to show them who
Who can make your body groove
Totally as the party started
Sweet dreams keep coming harder

(Chorus 2x)

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