Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


If your gonna save the day
And your hearin' what I say
I feel your touch
Your kiss it's not enough

And if you believe in me
Don't think my loves not for real
I won't take nothin' less
Then a deeper love

Let me tell me you, you no
I need a miracle I need a miracle
It's more physical than what I need
To feel from you (To gather through)

Tell me that you understand
And you'll take me as I am
You'll always be the one
To give me everything

Just when I throught no one cared
Your the answer to my prayer
You lift my spirits high
Come on and rescue me!!

Let me tell me you, you no
I need a miracle I need a miracle
It's more physical than what I need
To feel from you (To gather through)
Let me tell me you, you no
I need a miracle I need a miracle
It's more physical than what I need
To feel from you (To gather through)

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