Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Got my fever down
Then weighed it up
And I know the sounds remaining
Won’t strain all the silt from my eyes
Bleach the green from the pastures
Feast on the grey of the night
Straight from the vines refusal to shine

You’re my favourite thing
You’re my favourite the one that I love
You’re the one so I’d die
For you love

Blind the deafened moon
Stimulate the tombs of angels
I’ll open my heart
Won’t fall apart
Don’t fall apart

You’re my favourite thing
You’re my favourite the one that I love
You’re the one so I’d die
For you love
And I feel like letting go
And I feel like letting go…

You’re my favourite thing
You’re my favourite thing
You’re my favourite the one that I love
You’re the one so I’d die
For you
For you love

Enviada por Natizinha

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