Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't knoe the truth and I love your life

Thrust the candle

To the dark of your disease

Burn the fishplate

Execute ill memories

Labyrinth of sympathy

In with I'm lost and can't leave

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

Flinch against the fire

But this ain't winter

And I'm all by myself

The way I wanna be

Where I'm content to be to be

All by myself

But frozen eyes are bound to melt

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth

You don't know the truth

You don't know the truth and I love your life

You don't know the truth

You don't know the truth

You don't know the truth

Enviada por Natizinha

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