Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Like a rock, like a planet,
Like a fucking atom bomb,
I’ll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
That I encounter everywhere I turn,
I’ve seen it all before,
In books and magazines,
Like a twitch before dying,
Like a pornographic sea,
There’s a flower behind the window,
There’s an ugly laughing man,
Like a hummingbird in silence,
Like the blood on my door,
It’s the generator

Oh yeah, oh yeah, like the blood on my door,
Wash me clean and I will run until I reach the shore,
I’ve known it all along like the bone under my skin,
Like actors in a photograph,
Like paper in the wind,
There’s a hammer by the window,
There’s a knife on the floor,
Like turbines in darkness,
Like the blood on my door,
It’s the generator

Enviada por Ian

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