Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


New York City boy
You?ll never have a bored day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

When you′re a boy, some days are tough
Lying on your bed playing punk rock and stuff
Home is a boot camp you gotta escape
Wanna go and wander in the ticker tape

You feel, the deal, is real
You′re a New York City boy
So young, so run
Into New York City

New York City boy
You?ll never have a bored day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

The street is amazing
The hoochies unreal
Check out all the hardware at the latest deal
Hear a song, that?s the bomb
If you don?t get that mix it?s gone 86

You feel, the deal, is real
you′re in New York City

New York City boy
You?ll never have a bored day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

New York City boy
This is your reward day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

Then as evening falls
You can return its calls

You feel, the deal, is real
You′re a New York City boy
So young, so run
Into New York City

New York City boy (New York City)
You?ll never have a bored day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway
New York City boy, this is your reward day
′Cause you′re a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway
(New York City, New York City)

New York City boy
You?ll never have a bored day
′Cause your a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway
(You?ll never have a bored day, New York City)
New York City boy, This is your reward day
(You?ll never have a bored day, New York City)
′Cause your a New York City boy
Where Seventh Avenue meets Broadway

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