Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I feel I′m falling apart cause I know I′ve lost my guardian angel
A fleeting glimpse of your heart losing right from the start no return
And things will never be the same

Tried to find the words that show I sympathise
words of comfort words that never critisize
Though I know you′re simply laughing at me
I just can′t stop and simply let it be

Where are all those feelings all my yesterdays
Feelings now I have bring back those bitter ways
Though I know you wanna turn and gloat
I just can′t stop and simply let you go

I feel I′m falling apart cause I know I′ve lost my guardian angel
A fleeting glimpse of your heart losing right from the start no return
And things will never be the same

I feel I′m falling apart cause I know I′ve lost my guardian angel
A fleeting glimpse of your heart losing right from the start no return
And things will never be the same

Let me see you smile once more that special way
warm as summer on a chilly winter′s day
Though I know you′re simply laughing at me
I just can′t stop and simply let it be

I feel I′m falling apart cause I know I′ve lost my guardian angel
A fleeting glimpse of your heart losing right from the start no return
And things will never be the same
And things will never be the same

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