Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Only one nation, only one groove
where all day people move
only one vision, only one beat
where all day people meet

If you want me, get ready to dance
untwist your arms up in the sky
join the party, 'cause this is the chance
to leave this magic technoromance

Only one nation, only one groove
where all day people move
only one vision, only one beat
where all day people meet

If you want me, get ready to dance
untwist your arms up in the sky
join the party, 'cause this is the chance
to leave this magic technoromance

I wanna need my life, I wanna get it right
I wanna dance in your eyes, and this is my life
I wanna need my life, I wanna get it right
I wanna dance in your eyes, and it's my life

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