Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Honey bring it close to my lips

Don't blow those brains yet
We gotta be big boy
We gotta be big

Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes
Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes
Selling his baby - yes
Just like my Daddy
Gonna strike a deal made him feel like a
Running in our family - oh - It's run in our

Rest your shoulders, peaches and cream
Everywhere a Judas, as far as you can see
Beautiful angel calling,
'We've got every re-run of Muhammad Ali'

Prism perfect
Honey bring it close to your lips

What is termed a landslide of principle
Proportion - boy its gotta be big
I said, it better be big boy - hey, hey

Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes
Starfucker just like my Daddy - yes
Selling his baby - yes
Just like your daddy
Yes - selling his baby
Gonna strike a deal make him feel like a
It's runnning in your family - oh
It's run in your family - hey
It's run in your family - hey baby
It's run in your family

Mother Mary
China white
Brown may be sweeter
may be sweeter

Mother Mary
China white
Brown may be sweeter
She will supply
She will supply
She will supply
She will supply
She will supply
Supply, supply
Give me peace, love, peace, love
Give me peace, love and a heart

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