I remember I believe
my love is tronger than it seems
I′ll stay with you if you have to leave
in my diff′rent dreams
you′ll be with me anywhere
I′ll be with you we′ll both
take careour love is stronger than it seems
in my diff′rent dreams
Rap 1
If you wanna fly
if you wanna feel high
if you wanna touch stars in the sky
if you want a life
time loving wife
if you wanna have a never ending life
goes on and on to the early light
if you wanna be in cyberspace
if you wanna change the world to another place
wanna feel free,
wanna have me make all offer people see
wanna be strong,
never be wrong make it long,
longer than long dreams,
dreams, different dreams
you can have it all that′s what it means
dreams, dreams, different dreams
you can have it all in different dreams
Rap 2
If you wanna be in the galaxy
if you wanna take a trip,
inside a starship
if you wanna be presiden
if you wanna be from heaven sent
if you wanna be the guide of all
if you wanna be ten feet tall
if you wanna be a millionaire
if you wanna know how, why and where
wanna get old
but not yet told
if you wanna change mould into gold
if you wanna be a king in the history
you can have it all with
in one two three
dreams, dreams, different dreams
you can have it allthat′s what it means
dreams, dreams, different dreams
you can have it all in different dreams
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