Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I want you back in my life
Want you back by my side
That's where you belong
I won't give you up
I will never stop
my love is much too strong

I want you back in my life
Want you back by my side
That's where you belong
I won't give you up
I will never stop
my love is much too strong

Look at me standing here
crying out my final tears
look at me in the rain
call me I won't leave again
look at me standing here
crying out my final tears
Look at me in the rain

Do you remeber when you told me you
Didn't want anyone else but me?
Well I'm that same girl is all you need to say

I want you back in my life
Want you back by my side
That's where you belong
I won't give you up
I will never stop
My love is much too strong

Look at me standing here
crying out my final tears
look at me in the rain
Call me I won't leave again..

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