Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Emergency.....paging doctor beat, Emergency...

Doctor I've got this feelin
deep inside of me,
deep inside of me,
I just can't control my feet when
I hear the beat, when I hear the beat
Hey Doctor could you give me somethin
to ease the pain,
to ease the pain
Cause if you don't help me soon
Gonna lose my brain,
gonna go insane

I just don't know, don't know
How I'm gonna deal with you
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat
I just don't know, don't know
Wont you help me Doctor Beat
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat...
wont you help me Doctor Beat
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat...
wont you help me Doctor Beat
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat...
wont you help me Doctor Beat
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat...
wont you help me Doctor Beat

Motherfu**ers gonna drop the pressure
(Repeat x 12)

You see doctor i got this fever that i can't
that i can't control
music makes me move my body
makes me move my soul
makes me move my soul
Doctor you got to give me something
cuz I'm burning up
yes I'm burning up
Doctor you got to find the cure
or we're gonna die
yes we're gonna die

I just don't know, don't know
How I'm gonna deal with you
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat
I just don't know, don't know
wont you help me Doctor beat,
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat

I just don't know, don't know
How I'm gonna deal with you
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat
I just don't know, don't know
wont you help me Doctor beat,
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat
wont you help me Doctor beat,
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, Doctor Beat

you gotta help me, you gotta help me

Motherfu**ers gonna drop the pressure
(Repeat x 12)

Motherfu**ers gonna drop the pressure
(Repeat x 10)

by filipe guerra

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