Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Knew you'd be here tonight
So I put my best dress on
Boy I was so right

Our eyes connected
Now nothing's how it used to be
No second guesses

Track in on this feeling
Pull focus close up you and me
Nobody's leaving

Got me affected
Spun me 180 degrees
It's so electric

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow

Don't wanna rush it
Let the rhythm pull you in
It's here so touch it

You know what I'm saying
And I haven't said a thing
Keep the record playing

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow

Read my body language
Take it down, down

Slow down and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow
Come on and dance with me
Yeah, slow
Skip a beat and move with my body
Yeah, slow

Skip a beat and move with my body
Skip a beat and move with my body
Skip a beat and move with my body

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