Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You burnt your bridges I can see
You're like a river flowing free
Missing something that you never lost

No situation brave new life
Make it happen stand and fight
Take your chances now don't count the cost

If you're standing accused
And you're lost and confused
You don't have to take the blame

When your lifes rushing by
You will leave them beside you
I'll help you to ease the pain

I know I could, I know I would
If you want me
If you let me in I could

If you want me
If you let me in I could

You're runnin' scared I don't know why
You only see through the naked eye
If you reach out I will take your hand

I know you've got your price to bare
I'll take the wieght, I'll take my share
Let me show you how to live again

If you're standing accused
And you're lost and confused
You don't have to take the blame

When your lifes rushing by
You will leave them beside you
I'll help you to ease the pain

I know I could, I know I would
If you want me
If you let me in I could

If you want me
If you let me in I could

If you're standing accused
And you're lost and confused
You don't have to take the blame

When your lifes rushing by
You will leave them beside you
I'll help you to ease the pain

I know I could, I know I would
If you want me
If you let me in I could

If you want me
If you let me in I could

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