Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


No I can′t forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that′s just the way
The story goes
You always smile but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

No I can′t forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there
But then I let you go
And now it′s only fair
That I should let you know
What you should know

I can′t live
If living is without you
I can′t live
I can′t give anymore
I can′t live
If living is without you
I can′t give
I can′t give anymore

Well I can′t forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that′s just the way
The story goes
You always smile but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

I can′t live
If living is without you
I can′t live
I can′t give any more
I can′t live
If living is without you
I can′t give
I can′t give anymore

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