Feeling like I'm stuck in a hole
body and soul
while you're out of control
Now I know why you had to go
well, I think we both know
why it had to be so
I've been trying not to cry
when I'm in the public eye
stuck here with the shame
and taking my share of the blame
while making sudden plans that don't include you
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
Now I know you'd much rather be
with rock-royalty
instead of someone like me
The big boys are back and we need them, you said
Think it was something you'd read
and it stuck in your head
Even though I don't suppose
that's as far as it goes
you've got quite an appetite
for being wronged and in the right
well from now on it won't affect me
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
The morning after the night before
I've been alerted
to your lies.
I phoned you up
Your calls we're all diverted
Took a long time to track you down
even then you were defiant
It's not what you think it is you said
and proceeded to deny it
So I lost my patience at last
and it happened so fast
you belong in the past
I've been trying not to cry
when I'm in the public eye
stuck here with the shame
and taking my share of the blame
while making sudden plans that don't include you
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
I get along, get along
without you very well
I get along very well
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