Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Every face
Even the one you saw yesterday
It looks different today
'Cos everything's changed since yesterday
In every possible way
Things seem different today
Not like yesterday
Is consideration
More like an exception of consideration

'Cos you have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms

When you're secure, do you feel much safer
As days never change, and it's three years later
It's like your life hasn't changed
And it's three years late
So how does it feel, to be three years late
And watching your youth drift away
What seems different, seems different today
And what seems different, seems different today
Is consideration
More like an exception of consideration

'Cos you have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms
You have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms


'Cos you have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms
'Cos you have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms

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