Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I've been here all the time
as far as i know doing right
i've always waited for the moment
that you would come through my door
but this brought loneliness so far
i lay my hand onto my heart
is this the life i want to live
is this the dream i had of you

but this brought loneliness so far
i lay my hand onto my heart
is this the life i want to live
is this the dream i had of you
the dream i had of you

the dream i had of you

now i'm standing here alone
waiting on my own
for something that will fill the emptiness
inside the moment that you mind
but this is loneliness i know
i lay my hand onto my soul
is this what life has got to give
is this the dream i had of you

the dream i had of you

but this is loneliness i know
i lay my hand onto my soul
is this what life has got to give
is this the dream
the dream i had of you

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