Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Breathe in the night
That crushed a tired sunrise
Born again the day
Brings young naivety

A laptop souvenir
Is worth its weight
In silver a golden son
You’ll be home again
And I’ll be home again

Mend in my sleep
I’m boxing under water
Waddle on the wake
Waking on a summer day
A summer day

After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times

And every father’s pain
Casts a shadow over a broken son
You’ll be whole again
And I’ll be whole again

Munificent, artless and ascetic
Playing like a scared
Enthusiastic pawn

After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
The troubled all those
Years I was
Hurting to feel something more than life

After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
After all these years
Forget about all the troubled times
The troubled all those
Years I was
Hurting to feel something more than life

Enviada por Natizinha

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