Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


She tripped on a hole

That I'd dug on the soil to be part

Of a human garden and

I couldn't stand

In the satraight postured sun

But you stood in the mud with came unsoiled

When I came along

When I came along

When I came along

You never stop needing

You never stop needing

A close look at something so close

It's too much enough

A close look at something so close

It's too much enough

When all we need is just a test

I strapped mysel in

For a safe saccharide

Before it started I tired

To be anything I saw fit

And it all seemed to fit

But you came undone

When I came along

When I came along

When I came along

You never stop needing

You never stop needing

A close look at something so close

It's too much enough

A close look at something so close

It's too much enough

When all we need is just a test

Blind white lies and shallow truth

Broken strings and stolen youth

I've seen too much of enough but

You came much closer than they had before

You came much closer than they had before

You came much closer than they had before

You never stop needing

You never stop needing

You never stop needing

And it's good for nothing

Enviada por Natizinha

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