Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You're the analyst

The fungus in my milk

When you want no one

And you got someone

Trought the wind you crawl

And laugh at burning dunes

But no one else will ever see

Now that you know why you feel like you do

They're turning theur head whilst they wait for no one

And finally I know why you feel loke letting go

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

Mistakes don't mean a thing

If you don't regret them

So pack your tactic toes for the winter

Chain a waterfall a burned and withered skin

No-one else will ever see

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

Now that you know why you feel like you do

They're turning theur head whilst they wait for no one

And finally I know why you feel loke letting go

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

I'm watching you

Watch over me

And I've got

The greatest view from here

The greatest view from here

The greatest view from here

Enviada por Natizinha

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