Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Across the night

It was the moon that stole my slumber

Across the night

I feel in love with people sleeping

I feel tired, asleep in a golden ocean

Your eyes perspired, a spike in my fascination

I don't mean to make you cry

But this feeling will run trought the night

And I'll only make you cry with these feelings

Across the night

It was the moon that stole my slumber

Across the night

I feel in love with people sleeping

Across the night

Across the night

Across the night

And hugged a man's arthritic shoulder

Sleeplees, untamed without a leash on the light around me

I don't mean to make you cry

But this feeling will run trought the night

And I'll only make you cry with these feelings

Across the night

It was the moon that stole my slumber

Across the night

I feel in love with people sleeping

Across the night

Across the night

Across the night

And hugged a man's arthritic shoulder

And hugged a man's arthritic shoulder

So let us be married and have another baby

Coz I don't wanna be lonely I just wanna be alone

Yeh let's just get married shouting baby, baby, babies

"You'll never sleep at all"

But I don't wanna be lonely

"You'll never sleep at all"

But I don't wanna be lonely

I just wanna be alone

Never seen the sunshine

From higher points than sunrise

I don't wanna be lonely

Never seen the sunshine

From higher points than sunrise

I don't wanna be lonely

I just wanna be alone

Enviada por Natizinha

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