Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Lost and alone,
But I still keep proceeding on
No sense of time
I don′t needn′t know where I′m going

Lost and alone,
But I still keep proceeding on
No sense of time
I don′t needn′t know where I′m going

I begin to get breathless
And my heart is beating faster
I know I just can take this,
Now I′m strong enough

I′m getting ready
I′m getting ready to explode
Spiked up the fire
Lighted up the fuse on let him go

I′m getting ready
I′m getting ready to explode
Don′t know how be down now
I′m just fine to overload

Time′s running out
Feelin′ more upon I wire
Healing the end
And starting to lose my mind

I begin to get breathless
And my heart is beating faster
I know I just can take this,
Now I′m strong enough

I′m getting ready
I′m getting ready to explode
Spiked up the fire
Lighted up the fuse on let him go

I′m getting ready
I′m getting ready to explode
Don′t know how be down now
I′m just fine to overload

I′m getting ready
I′m getting ready to explode
Spiked up the fire
Lighted up the fuse on let him go

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