Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I′m not real
Didn′t you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why′d you turn away?
Here′s what I have to say

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That′s when I decided

Why should I care?
Cause you weren′t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You need to listen
I′m starting to trip
I′m losing my grip
And I′m in this thing alone

Am I just some chick you placed beside you
To take somebody′s place?
When you turn around can you recognize my face
You used to love me you used to hug me
But that wasn′t the case
Everything wasn′t ok

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That′s when I decided

Why should I care?
Cause you weren′t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You need to listen
I′m starting to trip
I′m losing my grip
And I′m in this thing alone

Crying out loud
I′m crying out loud
Crying out loud
I′m crying out loud

Open your eyes
Open up wide

Why should I care?
Cause you weren′t there
When I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
Cause you weren′t there
When I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
If you don′t care then I don′t care
We′re not going anywhere

Why should I care?
Cause you weren′t there
When I was scared
I was so alone

Why should I care?
If you don′t care then I don′t care
We′re not going anywhere

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