Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


All the small things
True care, truth brings
I′ll take one lift
Your ride best trip
Always, I know
You′ll be at my show
Watching, waiting, commiserating

Say it aint so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Na, na......

Late night, come home
Work sucks, I know
She left me roses by the stairs
Surprises let me know she cares

Say it aint so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Na, na......

Say it aint so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Keep your head still, Ill be your thrill
The night will go on, my little windmill

Say it aint so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Keep your head still, Ill be your thrill
The night will go on, my little windmill

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