Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


it doesn´t mean much
it doesn´t mean anything at all
the life i´ve left behind me
is a cold room
i´ve crossed the last line
from where i can´t return
where every step i took in faith
betrayed me
and led me from my home

and sweet
sweet surrender
is all that i have to give

you take me in
no questions asked
you strip away the ugliness
that surrounds me
are you an angel
am i already that gone
i only hope
that i won´t disappoint you
when i´m down here
on my knees

and sweet
sweet surrender
is all that i have to give

sweet surrender
is all that i have to give

and i don´t understand
by the touch of your hand
i would be the one to fall

i miss the little things
oh i miss everything

it doesn´t mean much
it doesn´t mean anything at all
the life i left behind me
is a cold room

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