Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


When Susannah cries
she cries a rainstorm
she cries a river
she cries a hole in the ground

She cries for love
she cries a sad song
she cries a shiver
sometimes she cries for me too

And I say I′ll never hurt her
but she knows it isn′t true
′cos although I never told her
I think she knows bout me and you
now she cries with silent tension
this can′t be right
and the downtown special cries along
′cos I′m leaving tonight

Now I slip the night around her
and I hope she′ll be okay
I just pray someone will find her
and guide her along her way
′cos I′m leaving on the 1 am
by soon I′m out of sight
but she′ll always be my baby
though I′m leaving tonight

Every night I hear her
talking in her sleep
she says «You know I′ll always be there»
and I feel like such a creep
please take back the love she gave to me
and in time her grief will pass
just tell her that I loved her
now it′s all she has

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